Dear Santa, Bless the Selfless Ones

Over the next four Mondays before Christmas, I am writing some small letters to Santa. In each letter I will express my gratitude, and make my wishes known. Here is my second letter, a big one from the heart:


P.S. no promotional links provided during these thank yous.

Bless You, Selfless Ones

Dear Santa,

I don’t want to confuse you. Last time I wrote about the mentors and asked you to bless them with good things for all the lessons and support they give so generously. This letter I’m asking you to recognize the selfless supporters. I know it sounds like I’m repeating myself, but I’m not.

The supporters are those who have lifted me up, held me aloft, without asking me to spend money or to repay them. These people gave of their time to market, promote, assist and in general, showcase me. They did not expect any payment, never asked for any, and never will. They are a rare breed of individual and I want to thank them. Some may also be, or have been, mentors, but for the most part they are a unique persons with unique gifts.

First, let me thank a man who seems to have faded out of my life. Ron Shaw. He was the first person to put me on the radio thanks to an introduction arranged by Robbie Cox. Ron Shaw and I shared a love of stories and poetry. And that first time on the radio put me into new hands, and helped me to meet other new people. In fact he put me on the radio twice. And it was free. Yup. Free. I want to send him special blessings for taking a chance on me.

Then I need to thank Ms Musu Bagura for taking me on the radio for Focus on Women’s Magazine with La Femme de Prose. I remember feeling so nervous. Suddenly I was going to be speaking to other women writers (the primary audience). Musu was wonderful and set me at ease. I worked with her twice but it left a deep appreciation in me.

Along the way I’ve been blessed with several more supporters who interviewed me on the radio or in person. Thanks goes to G.W. Pomichter, Sage IA and crew at Hangin’ With Web Show for putting me ON air. That was 15 minutes of “ohmygodwhatamidoing” and I was so grateful. 

Coming soon on the heels of Hanging With was Yvonne Mason and her show Off the Chain. Yvonne and I are old friends now despite only having met in person once. There was an instant connection. Yvonne has been a hard core supporter and has had me on air with her over six times. Free. Such amazing chances she takes on this woman. Santa, be especially good to her.

This led to my meeting Laurie Kehoe and her radio show Author’s Corner. Our connection is short so far but I want to know her better, after the generous hour she gave me on air. We share so many likes. It is a friendship I look forward to having and growing. She blessed me so much, so please return the favor, Santa.

The first person who ever did an article about me, an interview, was Anna Mittower. Anna is a writer, photographer and Cosplayer and soon after I met her she went overseas to teach English in Korea. It was years before I saw her again. She may not realize how much she helped me with that first article. Then came others – Linda Allbritten, Dave Michael Jackson, Jenna Brooks, Mary Deal, Robbie Cox, Kimberley O’Malley, Kim McDougall, Terri Wilson, Don Massenzio, PJ L’Rue, Ravannah Rayne – and each one allowed me to shine, showcased by them. This is a singular honor, to let someone else put a glow in your space. For free. Without expectation of compensation, reward or recompense. Bless them fully, Santa.

Santa, these supporters – these selfless, giving angels – are unique because they give without asking for anything in return. They give without charge. They give without leaving behind guilt or expectation. I adore them more than I can say for the support and love they gave to me. “Thank you,” isn’t enough of a gift, so I’m hoping you’ll look extra kindly on them this year.

You might be thinking, Santa, that I should be mentioning friends and family. I agree but that letter is yet to come. These people are the ones who are mostly faceless or invisible, who give without reward, who have supported, promoted and marketed and made a difference in my life. Profoundly. No words I say will ever be adequate, Santa, so please find a way to shower them with extra blessings filled with love. And those I whose names I have forgotten, please bless them because they matter even if I’m too old to remember them by name.

My author life began ten years ago. I have been overwhelmed with kindness and generosity of spirit and many gifts that raised me up and helped me to fly. I never want to lose sight of those who put me on the early path and keep giving to me, people who never asked for money, nor changed me for any time or aid. I hope you are able to show them how well I remember, how I will never forget, Santa. My blessings are many and they were free. Just like love.

Another letter next week Santa. We’re closing in on Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

I remain, Yours Between the Lines,



  1. Terri A. Wilson says:

    Love you, babe.

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