7 Reasons Not To NaNo

7 Reasons NOT to NaNo

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is upon us. In about eight days on November 1, writers around the world will begin pounding typewriter/keyboard keys or moving cartridge pens and pencils across various thicknesses of linen and vellum all with the hopeful expectation of writing….something….new?….exciting….purposeful?…or just writing anything that will get them to the requisite 1667 words they need to achieve each and every day for the next 30 days.

Sound crazy? It is. And I’m going to tell you why you should NOT do it.

1. First, it puts a deadline on you, the writer. God forbid that a writer meet a deadline, right? I mean, sure, editors and agents and publishing houses all use them, but why do you need to put that on yourself? What purpose does it serve other than to help you adjust, on a daily basis, to meeting a goal and find self-initiative and success? What do you get when you put such stress on yourself but success? Really, is it worth it?

2. Second, it gives you stress. We all know that writers wither under stress. Stress sparks imagination and plot bunnies, it makes your dream more wild and vivid. Stress makes you eat chocolate and crave the company of others like you so you don’t feel alone while stressed. And once you are with others, you find comfort and stress relief as you work together to meet deadlines (see #1). This stress will make you get up early to get those word counts. It may force you to find a reason to write. It may teach you more about yourself and make you discover hidden strengths (and weaknesses). Good grief, who wants to be forced to learn more about their writer selves?

3. Next NaNoWriMo seems to make people show up at libraries to do – gasp – research! Now you have reasons to delay writing by claiming you can’t find what you need! Thank goodness I have a personal treasure trove of books where I can get lost for hours on end as I research and make notes and read and imagine. NaNo introduces me to others who can help me find information and force me to get lost in learning. Do we need that??

4. NaNo encourages people to go out to “meetups” and “writing groups” and “write-ins” where other crazy, stressed, sleep-deprived, anxioius, keyboard pounding people will also be, and then it wants me to engage with them and find friends who will encourage me and cheer me on to make sure I meet my daily, crazy goal of 1667 words a day. Who ever thought of anyone actually being FOR you to succeed? The very idea!

5. With daily writing, my senses are opened to new ways of seeing the world. I am forced to discover new descriptions, to open my mind to new ways of thinking as I develop characters who are not me, characters with ideas and traits that aren’t mind. Daily writing challenges me to write realistic dialogue and to actually create and give birth to new concepts and new people. I may even end up building a new world (or two). It’s an insane proposition. Why should I dare to do something so over the top?

6. During those 30 days, while stressing over plot lines and finding plot holes, I may learn how to actually tell a good story. It may not be this year or even next year but one thing I might learn is how to be a better writer than I am today. Imagine being trapped into this discovery. The cruelty and disgust I will feel when I realize that I have become more than I ever dreamed, only because I dared to try to write 1667 words a day for 30 days. Do I need this stress that serves up such results?

7. Special Bonus – Four of my NaNo projects are now published, award-winning novels. But who wants to have that as a part of their resume? I mean “AUTHOR?” Isn’t that too much of a burden to carry?

Imagine it. If you can’t imagine with me then you definitely should NOT participate in National Novel Writing Month.

On the other hand, if you CAN imagine the growth and fun behind the challenge, if you CAN imagine the chance to complete a book project and begin your journey into authorship, then please do join me in this year’s National Novel Writing Month by going here and signing up. I’ll be your buddy and one of those crazy people who cheers you on, especially when you start asking yourself what in the heck you are doing trying to write 1667 words a day!

So, okay I’ve been very sarcastic here and making fun of a wonderful opportunity. Now stop laughing and think about this. My handle is poetphoenix and I’m a NaNoWriMo junkie. I hope you will be too. Just imagine it and good luck!__________________________________________________________________


ON THE RADIO – come listen to me when I’m on AUTHOR’S CORNER with Laurie Kehoe, Oct 25 at 10pm EDT or 7pm PDT. We’re going to chat about author things and my new release, LOVE AND BLOOD.

Author Ravannah Rayne interviewed me and published it on her blog. Please drop by and give her some love and see what I have to say about writing and stuff.

Finally, I’m a fostered author in this year’s Foster an Author 2018. My foster blogger is Jodi Huntley Bird of Ruby Red Romance Reviews. For one week, Jodi will be promoting my work and helping me to find an audience. Please go see what she does.

Have you signed up for my newsletter?? Might want to give it a try! Things show up in there that I don’t say anywhere else….

Thanks for stopping in – see you at NaNo!

Yours Between the Lines,



  1. Lydia says:

    I loved this post. Thanks for sharing it.

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