Odds and Ends News

Good Monday morning, readers and writers everywhere!  I hope your Easter weekend/school break/vacation was supremely happy and restful. Ready to get back to work? I am. But first I wanted to break from the usual weekly articles and touch base on a few odds and ends.

NEWS:  I am delighted to announce that the eLit Book Awards were announced over the weekend. I am the proud SILVER Medalist for The Book of Now (TBoN)! Let’s have a group hug!AND On Apr 14 I started a FREE Giveaway of ebook copies of TBoN. TODAY is the last day to get your free Kindle copy of it. I will NOT be offering this book for free ever again.  Now is your chance! Last day is TODAY. RUN!

Next, the Poetry Contest ended yesterday. Judging begins today and winners will be announced on APRIL 26. Stay tuned for the LIVE announcement (see below) and I wish all the entrants good luck!


I’ll be on the radio! Join me on Yvonne Mason’s blogtalk radio program OFF THE CHAIN on FRIDAY, April 21, at 8pm. We always have a great time and we’re planning to discuss poetry. Call in and ask your questions. And share your thoughts with us! I look forward to our hour together. Click the link and listen live or check back later and listen to the archived program.


NEW BOOK STATUS:  I’m finishing the final edits on the new book. I finally selected a title and all will be revealed soon. Get ready because I hope to have the book available by the end of MAY!

What is the new book? If you read my MIDNIGHT ASSASSIN – A Tale of Lust and Revenge, then you met Drahomira, my deliciously sexy vampire. She’s back and she’s setting up the reason for the new series called The Evening Bower. This prequel will introduce a variety of characters who will come together (some sooner, others later) in the new stories. Drahomira is my connector, my facilitator (just don’t tell her I said that), and she’s bringing trouble in her wake.

I’ll keep you posted with more information soon.


New FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT on APRIL 26 at 9pm. The Poetry Contest Winner announced, news about the new book, info on the Space Coast Book Lovers Event, and a few special shout outs.  Mark your calendar!


Finally, I know I don’t say it often enough but thank you to everyone who supports me with you friendship, your encouragement, you cheering when I do well, your uplifting inspiration when I do poorly, and for filling my life with smiles and laughter. You are all my inspiration and I treasure you.

Next Monday I will have some poetry and thoughts about poetry to end National Poetry Month.

Until then I remain,
Yours, Between the Lines,

Meet the REAL Terri Wilson

Hi Everyone! I’m feeling wild and crazy and I wanted to do something a little different and off book, as the saying goes.

So I asked my PAA to let me tattle on, oops, I mean tell more about her by asking her questions that I probably wouldn’t ask in an interview. She’s cool enough to play along, even if she did take a few of the questions much too seriously.

So without further ado (yes, that’s correct and not “adieu”), please meet the REAL Terri Wilson:


Interview Questions You’ll Probably NOT Want To Ask:

When you were 10, who was your favorite villain (other than family members)?
The Misfits from Jem & the Holograms. They had better outfits that Jem and her band.

Who was the first person who broke your heart and how old were you?
Bobby.  I was in the 8th grade. To be fair though I was the one who had to move away, but I thought for sure a long distance relationship would work

How old were you when you were kissed by a possible love interest and why (holiday, prom, wedding, etc)?
Probably the same guy listed in the above question. I don’t remember why; we were probably just hanging out and it seemed like a reasonable thing to do. That would have been the end of 7th grade or the beginning of eighth.

Chose to be the sun, a star, the moon, the ocean or a comet — and why?
The moon. I think the moon has more of an influence on how the world works than the sun. You never hear of people freaking out when there is a “full sun”. Also, the moon has way more sex appeal than the sun. The ocean is too unpredictable and a comet can burn out. 

Tell me the book you wish you could live in and change!
Any of the Sookie Stackhouse books. After awhile she was sooooo whiney and she let too many things HAPPEN to her instead of taking more control.

Why do you want to be a writer and don’t say because you must or you need to. Tell the secret reason and it’s okay to lie.
I want to play God. Where else can you create people and a world from scratch and then you have complete control over who lives and dies? 

French Fries! You add salt? Mayo? Ketsup? Ranch dressing? A milkshake? Tequila?
Tequila- you know me well but seriously, if the fries are good they only NEED salt. Dipping a good fry in a milkshake is good, but only if it is a shoestring fry.

You are a mirror in a yoga studio. What makes you nervous?
I would be afraid of what body parts slip out from clothes.

What’s the best lie you ever heard (other than on the  news)?
My mom and I are actually very good liars when we want to be. NEVER play us in a game of Balderdash. When I was a kid, my mom told me that the face on the cameo pin was my paternal grandmother and her best friend Sharon was Sharon from the Original Mickey Mouse Club. Then after I had my own children we convinced them that my mom’s mom was on the Titanic. 

Do you snort when you laugh?
Only when I laugh really really hard.
Thanks for playing along, Terri! 
For all of you dying to know even more about Terri, she has a website called Terri Luvs Books where she loves to feature writers and what they are working on. That special is called Talk About It Tuesday.  Anyone with a book in progress can be featured. All you have to do is drop by her Facebook page on Tuesday and tell her about your work in progress (WIP). She’ll pick a random person to write about the following week.
Additionally, she has an area on her website called #carolinareads. What is fun about this area is that it is designed for EVERYONE. Terri loves to read and she loves to hear about what YOU like to read. No matter what you do, she wants to hear from you about what you read. Five questions is all you answer. Cabbie, donut maker, dry cleaner, bus driver…it doesn’t matter who you are. If you read, then let Terri tell about your book discovery.
I asked Terri, what is the one book you will NEVER read and why?  Her answer:
 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. The movie upset her for week and a friend told her that the book was worse.
So there you go folks.
My terrific Personal Assistant can be found on Facebook. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask her your own odd questions that you’ll probably not want to use in an interview. You never know, she might answer!
Thanks Terri for playing along. (I should have asked for a poem, darn it all!).
And thank YOU for stopping by for something a wee bit different. Come back on Monday!
Until then, I remain,
Yours Between the Lines,

Commenting Etiquette 101

Good Monday, everyone. Instead of the usual Monday lesson or information article, I felt compelled to step on my soapbox and have a wee rant about Blog Etiquette, specifically, visiting blogs and responding to posts.

I love to visit my friends’ blogs. I enjoy reading about their adventures, vacations, family moments, or whatever lessons they feel are important. Reading about what others feel and do broadens my perspective and also helps me to stay in touch with people in a more personal way. Some are like digital newsletters while others are like family scrapbooks. But what is important to remember is that they are sharing personal things, whether it is a lesson or an intimate family vacation, the blog is theirs, their thoughts, their impressions, theirs.

It’s a little like visiting someone’s home. When you go to another’s house, I was taught to behave. In other words, you don’t put your feet on the table, or shoes on the furniture. You mind your manners and be gracious. And blogs are much the same as going to someone’s house — you are a guest to them.

Problem is people visiting blogs have forgotten how to act. Guests behave badly these days.

So let’s review some fundamentals and bone up on our manners.

1. When visiting a blog or posting on someone’s social media page, remember it is THEIR page, not yours. They have a right to write what they will.

2. If you don’t like what is written, you have the right to leave, move on, pass over the post.

3. If you don’t like what is written, and it is a public forum, you have the right to your own opinion and may offer a dissenting viewpoint. But remember to mind your manners. You may NOT attack the author. Just as you would not attack someone in a person’s home, so you do not do it in a public forum. 

4. Do not show up to sell something. That’s rude and spamming. Never use someone’s invitation to their blog as a means to solicit. If I invite you to my house, you don’t get to have a Tupperware sale, or a Come-To-Jesus meeting. That’s inappropriate, rude, and disrespectful to use people that way, in case no one ever told you that.

5. In today’s world, everyone seems to be a writer. That’s great! Do not use a shared connection (we’re both writers or painters or singers or mothers, etc.) to ask for help. That is inappropriate to solicit in public in a comment. If you want to reach out to a person because you want help or need to share, use contact forms or send private messages or use email (if known). Stop using comments to ask for help or solicit anything.

6. Remember that your comments should address what the post is about. If the person writes about a recipe, then comment about how you tried it, how it sounds, if your family makes something similar, or ask a question about the recipe. Do NOT branch out into how the recipe is used by politicians to solicit votes (just a far flung example, folks). In other words, be in the moment and focus on what the person is saying/writing about. Reminder, this is THEIR house, not yours.

7. Do NOT come to people’s posts to ask them to buy your products or view your page. That is spamming. Do you know the sign that says NO SOLICITING?

8. Mind your manners. If the poster speaks about winning an award, congratulate them. If you don’t feel the love, move on. No one said you had to be there. If you won the award too, share! If you are jealous and don’t feel the award program was worthwhile, don’t spew your negativity. That’s rude and is meant to drag down the other person. Take your hate elsewhere or write your own post about it. Remember you are to comment on what is, not what should be or wasn’t. Don’t be a troll.

9. If the poster asks for your opinion, by all means give one. But remember to mind your manners and watch your language. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom to disparage or be foul. Would you do this inside of someone’s house as a guest? (If you would, then you need more manners than I can remind you of here!).

10. Remember that there are other means of expanding conversations if you feel it is warranted. Do NOT use other people’s posts as a means to advance yourself. Get your own blog for that, ok? Then maybe I’ll come and visit you.

11. Behavior as a commentor also defines you as a person. Are you trying to be seen as a professional in a like field as the poster? Perhaps in a field that may be of interest to the blog writer? Then act professional! People will notice those who carry themselves with a welcoming and professional attitude. Be a putz if you wish, but that will be your forever reputation. Is that what you really want? I hope not because that behavior can also get you deleted and blocked. That’s a huge UNWELCOME mat and people hear about folks who earned one.

Blogs are a good way to disseminate information, share photos, expand awareness, even approach controversy. I like them, and I like visiting them. But I never forget to mind my manners when I do.

I hope you will use and share these basic etiquette tips going forward. I think it will improve everyone’s experience as a poster and as a commentor.

Don’t forget that the owner of the residence has the right to toss you out on your ear should you be disruptive or unruly or downright nasty. The same holds true for online social media locations.

And as my mother always said, “always bring a gift when you are a guest.” If you can’t literally bring a gift, then let good manners be your present and the example for others.


Did you participate in my NAME MY BAR CONTEST??  We have a winner!  Ann Nedich came up with the best idea and the new, trendy New Orleans bar will be called CLUB MALACHITE.

Rather appropriate since Dra’s eyes are green, the bar lights are green, and Dra just happens to own a malachite necklace which no one knew. I took that as Serendipity.

Congratulations Ann! You are now immortal. Have a Mini Malachite on the house!


ATTENTION!   Going to do a FACEBOOK LIVE event on Wednesday March 29 at 7:30pm EDT.  It will be my first solo event, so come see me be foolish on my Facebook Author page.  I will be announcing something SPECIAL for April’s National Poetry Month. Remember to check out the archived video if you can’t join me live.

In honor of National Poetry Month, next Monday I will begin a series of articles about poetry, along with a schedule of when things will appear and special freebie book days! FREE! Stay tuned.

Thanks for joining me again. Please feel free to leave comments or use the contact form if you wish to reach me!

I remain, Yours Between the Lines,