After Action Report #SCBL2017

Hello writers and readers. I spent the first few days of June at the Space Coast Book Lovers Convention/Signing at Cocoa Beach Florida.  Huge Kudos to the organizer Teri Dees Edney and all the authors, writers, bloggers, industry professionals and volunteers who came together to pull off such a fun time for everyone. Sun, sand, purpose. 

Why do people go to conferences/book signings? There are several reasons and the most obvious first one is to sell books. But that really isn’t the main reason, especially when in four days you only have four hours to sell books. What most authors crave is meeting the “competition,” connecting with online friends, making new ones, mixing with bloggers and industry professionals like models and photographers, cover designers, podcasters, and marketers. Conferences and conventions are the best opportunity to network and mix and mingle. The contacts and social interactions at these events are what make them invaluable, for readers and writers. Here’s what the sponsorship banner looked like for this event (please note that my logo is there too)

In my case, I was delighted to meet so many folks that I interact with on Facebook, as well as to grab a hug from folks I’ve “known” online for years and craved sharing something more personal. Such moments are so precious. You’ll hear people all over, all day, every day saying, “HI! Oh so good to meet you!” Or “Whee, I missed you.” It will make you smile.

Yvonne Mason and me

Our lodgings were right on the beach at the International Palms Resort and Hotel. The view from my room was perfect. We were there in time to watch the latest launch of a Space X Rocket from Kennedy Space Center, too! (I’m such a space baby geek that this was extra special for me).

I couldn’t have done my job as an author without the wonderful, invaluable assistance of my PA Terri Wilson and my hubby (set-up roadie and part time manager), Ron. The two of them made it easy for me to concentrate on author stuff and not on the other minutia. They helped to make my author table look just right and both of them have a keen eye for marketing. I just love them.

My right arm, Terri Wilson PA

If you get an opportunity to go to a conference, to mix and mingle with authors and readers, I will be the first to tell you to go. The contacts you made and the friendships you begin will be a treasure. There is no way I can show you all the photos I took, but these photos are just some of the wonderful authors you can meet at events like this.

(From top down, Violet Howe, Julie Morgan, Elle Klass, HD Smith, and Tara Briggs)

And thank you to an online friend who came over especially to see some familiar faces and to meet me. I was so honored to meet my Facebook and Twitter friend Pam. She was even more beautiful in person and her arrival made my day!

A Fan!

There’s already been oodles of articles about the event and I only want to add what a well-done, event-packed weekend it was. I hated the Florida heat (I was uncomfortable all the time) but the company and the experience was tremendous. They are already planning next year’s event so if you get a chance to attend, I tell you this is one to put on your bucket list!

As we prepared to head home, Florida gifted us with a wonderful sunrise, one of the State’s special talents.

Of course there is always someone who is geeked out. I’ll just leave this here and thank you for stopping by. (Ron, really there’s no one in it!)


Come by TOMORROW for more new stuff!

Yours Between the Lines,

Post-Book Depression

I’m depressed. Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I miss my mom butt that’s not why I have the blues.

Two weeks ago I finished my latest book, The Gypsy Thorn. It’s a paranormal urban fantasy and a prequel novel to a new vampire series. The new series, The Evening Bower, will begin later this year (hopefully). So, you may ask, if I have a book in the can, why am I depressed?

Because the book is done. 

Sound silly? I suppose it may seem that way. I have written three books of poetry, one memoir, one photography book, and one urban fantasy. Now I have this new book and it will be published any day. Putting a book “to bed,” typing “the end” (figuratively), isn’t new to me and you may be saying, “why aren’t you celebrating instead of bemoaning?”

Let me explain and then maybe you’ll understand what I mean. With the photography and the poetry, I didn’t deal with a character. Yes, my poetry discusses a variety of “characters” but not a sustainable one, not one that has a complete substance.

With the memoir, the topic was me and I was happy when the book was done and published. I released me and it set me free.

Midnight Assassin by Sherry Rentschler

With the urban fantasy, Midnight Assassin – A Tale of Lust and Revenge, I told a story that I new would continue. The main character – the vampire Drahomira – was due to return in the new book and so I didn’t feel as though I walked away from her or left her. I never felt that I ever left the story. Instead, Dra hovered near me as I wrote this new book where she is the driving force. Maybe you could say we got very close.

However, when I finished The Gypsy Thorn (GT), Drahomira’s work was done. She was the tool I used to prepare my readers for the series where Drahomira is not the main character. She is one of the important people (and will have her own off-shoot series) but she is not the character on which the series is based. And putting an end to GT closed the door on my favorite bad girl. Her voice stopped and I was alone. Hence the depression.

I hear from other authors and many experience this feeling. I haven’t given birth so I don’t know post partum depression though some have said that birthing a book is similar. It is my baby. Every single one is a labor of love and I give everything to it. I am told that this feeling of “letting go” is much like seeing your children move on, graduate, leave home, etc. I can’t speak to that, but I do feel sad to see it end. And I do miss her not being there to whisper in my ear.

As a result, I am hard at work on the next book. The new characters (introduced in Midnight Assassin and GT) are shyly stepping up and demanding my attention. New whispers fill my ear. But I did want to tell you how I am overcoming this lingering, last book sadness.

Book completions are both joy and sorrow. The joy is pride and a sense of accomplishment. There is no feeling in the world like finishing your story. The sorrow is finishing the story. As with any book I read, I feel satisfaction and a little sadness in ending. That’s the key. Ending.

I realized I needed to let go. I also realized I need not grieve! Nothing is over. The new story begins, and characters continue. Things are not done yet! There is more to tell.

And that is my answer to you. When you find yourself in a little bit of the blues, in sorrow of your book’s end, then begin anew. Take your joy in your success and reseed, regrow, renew!  Be happy and proud, congratulate and celebrate.  And hey, it’s okay to be blue.

To be sad is understandable but not to remain that way. Each author must find a way to move forward, and when you do, you will give birth to new exciting characters and new stories. But first, release yourself.

I’ve heard authors say, “I gave my all to that story. I don’t know if I have anything else to write about.” Pish posh. You need to let go! Blood renews itself. Mine did. Yours will, too.

Today I am nearly over being blue and excited about The Gypsy Thorn’s upcoming release THIS MONTH. Keep checking here and on my Facebook Author page for info.

And the new book, Time and Blood? Oh what a deliciously tangled web we weave! I’ll see you with this one in October.

Meanwhile, I hope your Mother’s Day was lovely and that you have projects you can sink your teeth into with joy and gusto. As for me, the vampires are calling and demanding my attention. And THAT makes me happy!

Thanks for stopping by and keep writing.
Yours Between the Lines,

(Midnight Assassin cover by Robin Ludwig Designs)
(The Gypsy Thorn cover by Marisa-rose Shor of Cover Me Darling)

Poetry Winners, Awards, New Book

Happy Monday! Happy May!

I’m a little remiss on my poetry but today I want to present the winning poems of April’s Poetry Contest. Congratulations to them again and I hope you enjoy reading these as much as we judges enjoyed reading them

1st Place 

Inspiration does come
And it also does go
What inspires me to write
I really don’t know

Sometimes it is
The whisper of a word
Other times it is a thought
That’s really quite absurd

I dream of oceans
Being kissed by the moon
I envision creepy specters
That would make you swoon

I paint visions in my mind
Using words as my art
Some are dark and spooky
While others are from my heart

Just little random words
I write as they come to me
A joyous culmination
Of inspiration and insanity

2nd Place
Words Expressed by David Jacks

I don’t always find my words
too easily expressed.
So if I were to speak them,
sometimes they are suppressed.

But if pen touches paper,
such worlds I can create.
It then frees me from my own,
as if lifting a weight.

Cut the strings that hold me down.
Please tie me up no more.
Let loose feelings once secret
and open wide the door.

I can’t do this on my own.
Writing helps me to find,
all the things that were once sealed
somewhere deep in my mind.

For all the thoughts left behind,
I must pour out my soul.
Forever searching for them,
just to make myself whole.

3rd Place
A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS by James Matthews Byers

The subtle sound of soothing calm-
A bumblebee in flight;
Anointed treasure in my palm-
Considerate delight;
Amazement on a newborn’s face-
Transitions, foot to mouth;
Impressions of a living space-
The springtime in the South;
Combustion of a beating heart-
Removed from single life;
Conditioning a humble start-
A husband and a wife;
Perplexing rhythm of a song-
Commanding vocal cord;
The distance, short or ever long-
The pen, a mighty sword;
Forever in a lover’s eyes-
The sigh of falling fast;
Chameleons in their disguise-
The colors floating past;
Commencement of a wild parade-
An alter full of hope;
The jester and his vast charade-
The hangman and his rope;
Surrender to the burning fire-
Intrinsic is the fuse;
And so these many things inspire-
Combined, they are my Muse …


Thank you to everyone who participated but a huge Congratulations to the winners! And a big thank you to the judges as well to the authors who contributed their work for prizes!

Speaking of poetry and awards, my poetry book, THE BOOK OF NOW, just won it’s second award! First I won a Silver Award for Poetry in the 2017 eLit Book Awards and now I’m the winner of —- drum roll —————-

2017 Independent Press Award Distinguished Favorite, Book Cover Non-Fiction


I must say I had an idea for my book cover and I knew how I wanted it to look. BUT I am NOT a designer and I am pleased that Marisa-rose Shor of Cover Me Darling created the most fabulous book cover for me. She translated my wishes perfectly and designed a beautiful custom cover (from scratch, no stock pictures photographs). Thank you, Marisa! I share this award with you.


NOW– NEW BOOK COVER REVEAL!! I’m so excited! My newest book is about to be released. Now I can share the book cover with you (also designed by Marisa-rose Shor) and with model Haleyy Loan. I’m delighted to present the new book, THE GYPSY THORN.

Isn’t it awesome?? Stay tuned because the release will be this month. And you will want to get your copy. This is a prequel novel that sets up the Evening Bower series. The first book is projected for October 2017. That’s right. THIS YEAR.

So, read my Midnight Assassin – A Tale of Lust and Revenge and follow that one up with The Gypsy Thorn. Then you will be ready for the first in the new series.


Thank you everyone for your continued support of my books and for checking in here. Please feel free to leave comments (I moderate them but they go up the same day in most cases). And also continue to send me questions via my contact sheet or on my Facebook Author Page. I love hearing from you and I will answer your questions on my next live chat, this month.

Yours Between the Lines,