Memories or Mysteries for 2019

Happy New Year’s Eve

Memories or Mysteries for 2019

Well, here we are. Another year dissolves as we gather together on the last day of 2018. This year has been a tumultuous one for the world, our country, and most of us personally. Because of the year’s upheaval, I stepped back and took a long look at how I approached each new year. I would make the expected and proverbial “resolutions” and then watch as they died during the year. Usually forgotten, mostly abandoned, often supplanted by other ideas. My approach never worked. 

Then I learned to stop making resolutions. Instead, about a decade ago I decided to make GOALS. These didn’t have to have timelines like “Lose 10 lbs a month.” What a goal did was to help me identify projects and then I established timelines to meet those projects based on my personal abilities. I began to succeed. Just look at my published resume. But my personal resume didn’t seem as successful. 

I learned that having goals wasn’t enough. I needed a way to channel my energy. Some way to help direct my thoughts. One year it was POWER. One year it was INSPIRATION. The better the word, the more I felt purpose, the harder I worked on my goals.

Basically I learned from my life that with every New Year’s Eve I had a choice. Either I could spend my tine evaluating the past, looking back and trying to fix what I didn’t do, or where I didn’t go, or meet the people I neglected. OR I could face forward and approach the future without expectations and with goals in hand. Yes, the future would be an unknown but if I prepared with a strong word and good goals, I could meet any challenge.

That’s the key. Do you spend your time looking back or looking forward? Looking back is the Road of Memories. Looking forward is the Road of Mysteries. 

I’m choosing Mystery. 

And my word for this year? FOCUS. I’m focusing on my personal self. As I’ve already said in my last Fireside chat (you can watch it here), my first priority will be me. I need to get healthy and the first part of that word is HEAL. So I will work to heal the parts of me that are aching (a bad knee and surgical recovery). And once I heal then I start my road to being healthy. I’m not going to say “lose x pounds” because I’m going to lose weight by opting to change my life to be healthier. The rest takes care of itself. 

See how it works? No more self-stress or self-imposed resolutions. No more setting self up for failure. Now I will succeed because health and healing come first. As long as I FOCUS, that will happen and my personal self will improve. Hint: Write it down and leave it for yourself in every room. Put it on the fridge, in the writing room, in the bathroom, on your nightstand, in your purse or attached to your laptop. Let the word become your mantra for the year and become it. This really WILL help you!

Professionally, I have three key projects for the year. I’m dedicated to them. If more are possible, then great! But I have my FOCUS and my GOALS and I’m surging ahead with them in mind. The mystery of “COMING SOON” will carry me through to completion. Excited yet?  More on those soon!

I welcome the mystery of what completion of my goals will bring to me. And I’m not going to worry if people don’t agree, do more, do less, approve or disapprove. The only thing that matters is that I stay true to my course and am happy with my personal success.

That’s what I recommend for you – a word to channel your energies. And goals without unrealistic stress.

To that end, I hope we will be together during the next year. I hope you will join me on this mysterious journey called Life. Remember to sign up for my newsletter and join my Evening Bower Fan/Readers group. I am doing giveaways and telling secrets ONLY to those two groups for now.

Here’s to a Joyous and Productive, personally satisfying New Year! Thank you! And I’ll see you somewhere Between the Lines…


Dear Santa, I wish...

Over the last month, I’ve been writing to Santa and publishing these every Monday (or trying to, internet notwithstanding!). This is my final letter, written for Christmas Eve, 2018. (Please note these letters do not include promotional or hyper links since I am not promoting or selling. This is for giving.)

Dear Santa, I wish…

Santa, over the last few weeks I’ve asked that you give special blessings and gifts to the mentors, the selfless ones and the troubled ones. I’ve given you names to help you fulfill those wishes and I hope I’ve been a good elf.

On this Christmas Eve, I’m not silly enough to ask for impossible things like world peace or bipartisanship between Republicans and Democrats. I can’t even ask for proof of life in outer space. No, even I realize those wishes are bigger than the both of us. But I do have a bit of a quandary with this last letter.

My problem is how can I wish for anything for myself? I have been blessed with love of family and friends, a roof, food and health. Everything else surrounding me is the glitter on the gift box! I feel very selfish asking for anything at all when I have so very much.

As a result I give to charity. I avoid those organizations that say a lot but spend the money on administration and salaries. I want my donations to go to work right away so I give to places like SMILETRAIN, PURPLE HEART HOMES, FEED AMERICA, and HUMANE SOCIETY. I donate to my local VOLUNTEER Fire Department and I give to the POLICE for things like vests and dogs and survivors benefits. Help others to find places to give and encourage giving. It will help so many and makes you feel good. 

So what about me? Well, I do have some selfish wishes. I wish my friends and family would buy my books. I wish for buyers to leave me reviews. I wish to write better stories and to that end I study but a little luck wouldn’t hurt, if you have some extra. I wish successful bestselling authors could be less clique-ish and more open to lesser known authors, like me. 

See? There I go being selfish. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. I prefer to give, Santa. I guess that’s why you are so happy.

So I’m going to wish for more people to do Random Acts of Kindness. It makes you feel good and it does so much for others too. Wait til you see the smiles you get for being generous and kind. Oh, wait, you already know that smile! 

I do have a wish that is far greater than me — I wish for boys, girls and animals to be fostered and adopted! I want people to share the love they guard and to give it to some creature who is aching to be loved. Please Santa, find good homes for these children and pets.

After that, I don’t really have much to wish for except to wish that my friends to know how much their recent kindness, generosity, and love has meant and still means to me. This is the best gift of all. It is priceless and cannot be wished over. If that is all I ever have in life, then I am wealthy beyond measure.

I wish for everyone to be as blessed as I have been. Safe travels this night and give Rudolph some extra oats. Watch out for my friends the bats.

Oh, I’ll be waiting up with cookies. And if I fall asleep, well then, Merry Christmas Santa. God Bless us, every one.

I remain, Yours Between the Lines,


(I’ll be back for the 2018 Year in Review wrap up next Monday!)

Dear Santa, Bless the Selfless Ones

Over the next four Mondays before Christmas, I am writing some small letters to Santa. In each letter I will express my gratitude, and make my wishes known. Here is my second letter, a big one from the heart:


P.S. no promotional links provided during these thank yous.

Bless You, Selfless Ones

Dear Santa,

I don’t want to confuse you. Last time I wrote about the mentors and asked you to bless them with good things for all the lessons and support they give so generously. This letter I’m asking you to recognize the selfless supporters. I know it sounds like I’m repeating myself, but I’m not.

The supporters are those who have lifted me up, held me aloft, without asking me to spend money or to repay them. These people gave of their time to market, promote, assist and in general, showcase me. They did not expect any payment, never asked for any, and never will. They are a rare breed of individual and I want to thank them. Some may also be, or have been, mentors, but for the most part they are a unique persons with unique gifts.

First, let me thank a man who seems to have faded out of my life. Ron Shaw. He was the first person to put me on the radio thanks to an introduction arranged by Robbie Cox. Ron Shaw and I shared a love of stories and poetry. And that first time on the radio put me into new hands, and helped me to meet other new people. In fact he put me on the radio twice. And it was free. Yup. Free. I want to send him special blessings for taking a chance on me.

Then I need to thank Ms Musu Bagura for taking me on the radio for Focus on Women’s Magazine with La Femme de Prose. I remember feeling so nervous. Suddenly I was going to be speaking to other women writers (the primary audience). Musu was wonderful and set me at ease. I worked with her twice but it left a deep appreciation in me.

Along the way I’ve been blessed with several more supporters who interviewed me on the radio or in person. Thanks goes to G.W. Pomichter, Sage IA and crew at Hangin’ With Web Show for putting me ON air. That was 15 minutes of “ohmygodwhatamidoing” and I was so grateful. 

Coming soon on the heels of Hanging With was Yvonne Mason and her show Off the Chain. Yvonne and I are old friends now despite only having met in person once. There was an instant connection. Yvonne has been a hard core supporter and has had me on air with her over six times. Free. Such amazing chances she takes on this woman. Santa, be especially good to her.

This led to my meeting Laurie Kehoe and her radio show Author’s Corner. Our connection is short so far but I want to know her better, after the generous hour she gave me on air. We share so many likes. It is a friendship I look forward to having and growing. She blessed me so much, so please return the favor, Santa.

The first person who ever did an article about me, an interview, was Anna Mittower. Anna is a writer, photographer and Cosplayer and soon after I met her she went overseas to teach English in Korea. It was years before I saw her again. She may not realize how much she helped me with that first article. Then came others – Linda Allbritten, Dave Michael Jackson, Jenna Brooks, Mary Deal, Robbie Cox, Kimberley O’Malley, Kim McDougall, Terri Wilson, Don Massenzio, PJ L’Rue, Ravannah Rayne – and each one allowed me to shine, showcased by them. This is a singular honor, to let someone else put a glow in your space. For free. Without expectation of compensation, reward or recompense. Bless them fully, Santa.

Santa, these supporters – these selfless, giving angels – are unique because they give without asking for anything in return. They give without charge. They give without leaving behind guilt or expectation. I adore them more than I can say for the support and love they gave to me. “Thank you,” isn’t enough of a gift, so I’m hoping you’ll look extra kindly on them this year.

You might be thinking, Santa, that I should be mentioning friends and family. I agree but that letter is yet to come. These people are the ones who are mostly faceless or invisible, who give without reward, who have supported, promoted and marketed and made a difference in my life. Profoundly. No words I say will ever be adequate, Santa, so please find a way to shower them with extra blessings filled with love. And those I whose names I have forgotten, please bless them because they matter even if I’m too old to remember them by name.

My author life began ten years ago. I have been overwhelmed with kindness and generosity of spirit and many gifts that raised me up and helped me to fly. I never want to lose sight of those who put me on the early path and keep giving to me, people who never asked for money, nor changed me for any time or aid. I hope you are able to show them how well I remember, how I will never forget, Santa. My blessings are many and they were free. Just like love.

Another letter next week Santa. We’re closing in on Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

I remain, Yours Between the Lines,
